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And the #2 thing couples fight about is...

Uncategorized Jan 03, 2021

AND the #2 Thing Couples Fight About IS…

“Put your money where your mouth is.” Ever heard that quote before?

Well, don’t actually do that because, EESH, money is dirty, D-I-R-T-Y. But what the phrase means is, if you SAY you value a certain thing, SHOW IT by how you spend your wealth, your earnings, your money. 

Today, we are talking about money.

And, as you may have guessed, in marriage things can get REAL down and dirty, REALLY quick, when we are talking about money.

Research shows married couples fight about money. A LOT. 

In fact, money is the #2 thing couples fight about.

What is the #1 thing couples fight about, you ask? (Any guesses?) Okay, I’ll tell you. IT’S SEX. (Did you guess right?)

Well, back to money. Why do we fight so much about money?

Money symbolizes power and our very life. Think about it for a moment. You SPEND YOUR LIFE as a child in school preparing for a career, and then you spend the rest of your life working a job to make a living - to make money.

We work hard for our money, and how we spend our money is how we spend our lives. How we spend our money, reveals our VALUES.

As you can imagine, couples don't always agree on the best way to spend money, save money, invest money, or donate money.

So, what can married couples do to reduce all the fighting?

For starters, understand what money represents and the power you truly have together as a couple when spending money. Then, create safety by sharing your values and vision as you set financial goals. Get excited about the possibilities and power you have together with a shared vision and purpose.

If you are uncertain or in a disagreement, seek out financial guidance, wise friends, or counseling.

We all thrive in an environment of safety where our values and vision are fully understood. We will be stronger as a couple when we take both perspectives and find harmony working toward a mutual goal, guided by mutual values and vision.

Challenge yourself to talk through the following areas:

  1. Share with one another what you most value in life.
  2. Write out your vision for your finances and financial future.
  3. Set financial goals based on your values and vision.

It is amazing how vision can excite and motivate you both to save and spend wisely when you decide on a goal together, guided by your shared values and vision.

Instead of fighting with one another, you can fight together, SIDE-BY-SIDE, to get out of debt, purchase a home, or make the world a better place through giving to others.

PRO TIP: Create a budget. Budgets help you stay accountable. In your budget, have a line item for each person to have an equal amount each month to spend freely. Ah, freedom. Go ahead, buy that new shirt, or save it up for a bigger purchase! It’s yours, all yours, no questions asked! When you reach your financial goals, take the time to celebrate! Then, set ongoing goals and continue to talk through your values and vision.

And again, DON’T put your money in your mouth, EESH. 

Instead, SPEAK VOLUMES with the meaningful, lasting, and powerful way you spend, invest, save, and give as a couple.


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