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Can you really have it all?

Uncategorized Jan 15, 2021

Can we have it all in marriage?

We want adventure and security. We desire to be known and in the same breath, we long for the ongoing pursuit and mystery of getting to know more of one another day after day. We want to build a safe home but also feel the excitement exploring our limits by  challenging ourselves.

Well, good news is recent research shows we need both to find our fulfillment in life and relationships. Secure LOVE is foundational as it creates an environment of GROWTH, bringing an ever increasing strength and providing increased courage to transform in life and in your marriage.

Passion will be RENEWED by holding two things close together (that may not seem to go together) in your marriage relationship. 

Two. Simple. Things.

What are those two things? 

Well, you need both the security of your bond as a couple and the excitement of personal growth. Both security and growth will encourage the ongoing experience of intimacy and mutually respect for one another. You will be drawn to the other in growing love and admiration.

Sounds simple enough, right?

So how do you do you create both of these experiences intentionally?

  1. INCREASE THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF YOUR BOND. Think through and talk about what helps you feel safe in your bond as a couple. 
  2. SET GOALS FOR YOUR PERSONAL GROWTH AS AN INDIVIDUAL. Focus on setting goals for yourself in your personal life, career or in your own spiritual growth. You will grow and enhance your gifts, purpose and passion.

Set aside time to talk about your needs and personal growth journey. Talk through what it means for you to be secure and able to grow personally and as a couple. 

You will increase passionate connection as you support each other in feeling safe and secure. 

You will also be drawn to one another in mutual respect as you meet your goals, support one another toward growth, adventure and share your experiences with one another.

Secure love creates an environment of growth, bringing an ever increasing strength and transformation in you, your marriage and the world.


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