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Want more happiness in your marriage?

Uncategorized Jan 08, 2021

It is a cold world, especially in the winter. BRRRRR! 

 On a cold winter’s night, there is nothing I love more than snuggling with my husband by a roaring fire. 

We survive the cold and the bleakness of winter with shelter, warmth, and each other!

But what do we do when we or our fellow humanity is suffering in isolation without support? Suffering alone gives us an emotional feeling of winter, bleak and cold.

We can help create places of warmth, support, and love in our community by letting others know they are not alone in times of need through service. 

Serving others embodies emotional warmth and is a reminder that we are not alone. Meeting the needs of others also meets the needs of those reaching out to help. In other words, making a fire of care and support will warm all who are willing to be present.

And there isn’t a better way to serve others than a couple! 

It shouldn’t surprise us but research shows serving others makes you happier and healthier. 

Yep, it’s true! It improves emotional and physical health.

Dr. Caroline Leaf notes "Serving others is a wonderful way to become part of a meaningful community, improving both your mental and physical health—many studies show how helping others can increase your own chance of healing!"

“But where do we start?” you might ask.

There are so many places and ways to serve. Talk through what each of you are passionate about in life and work together to take action in your community using your unique gifts, skills, and passions to guide the way.

Volunteering in meaningful ways will help you find purpose and a powerful place in the larger community.

As we serve as a couple, we live out our uniqueness and remind others through loving action, how irreplaceable and valued they are as human beings. We all need to know we are valued especially in a time of need. There are times we will serve and times we will be served. Love makes room for both.

As a couple, if you need help, reach out and ask for help. 

If you can give help in this season of life, serve in the ways you can.

So, get serving together! Think about what you are most moved by or passionate about day to day and pick a regular service project or volunteering opportunity to do as a couple.

Experience your Greatest Marriage Ever in the coming year by serving together and making the world a little bit better for everyone! You won’t regret it!



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