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Romance-hack to get the romance back!

Uncategorized Jan 22, 2021

Not to worry if are not the best at romance. 

Who is the best, really?

Not me. 

We get busy. 

We get distracted. 

We get focused on small, sometimes unimportant details in life. 

Who has time for romance with kids clamoring for your attention, meals to prepare, work to complete, and an endless list of house chores that just never seems to all get done. 

Well, we are about to give you a SIMPLE marriage-romance-hack.


Be thoughtful. 

That’s it? 


Think about it for a moment. 

When someone you love, is really thoughtful and does something meaningful, you get that AWWWWWW-how-sweet feeling! You know the fluttery, warm, butterfly feeling, like when you first met.

Don’t we all want the ROMANCE back again?

Here’s the deal. If you’ve been married for a while, it doesn’t take grand gestures anymore to make your spouse feel a little extra special. 

Life happens, adulting happens, kids happen, and we stop doing all the things that we once did when we dating. 

But the good news is that little, thoughtful things now can make a BIG difference. And it doesn’t have to require a lot of TIME!

So, consider just one thoughtful thing you can do to lighten the load or brighten the day of your spouse. 

Consider what would be meaningful and important to your spouse and follow through with completing that chore, giving that gift, or running that errand.

It shouldn’t surprise us that romance comes in thoughtful packages

And it wouldn’t hurt to incorporate the element of surprise, unless your spouse hates surprises, because that just wouldn’t be thoughtful, of course.

Well, back to the point, be thoughtful of what your spouse needs and wants.

Keep it simple, listen to your spouses struggles, needs and feelings, then put some thought into it. Bring thoughtfulness to life and see the romance revived in your marriage.

Then, daily you can stoke the fire, fan the flames (you get the idea) of romance with creative, thoughtful gestures unique to your spouse and meaningful in your relationship.  

Even if your marriage is full of romance, a thoughtful act will speak right to the heart and draw you even closer together. 

And now, more than ever, we could all benefit from a safe place filled with a little more thoughtfulness right now!


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